Monday, March 24, 2014

Any Landing you can Walk Away From...

The thought just occurred to me.  I am not a really good rocket designer.  Yeah, they function, but they might not be as efficient as they should be.  I can live with that.  What I really lack design skills in is space planes.  

I have barely built two SSTO's.  One of them was using a fusion engine from the Interstellar mod (which worked, but it killed my Kerbal (said there was too much radiation).  Don't get me wrong, I have made planes that fly.  They just suck.  I'm working on it.  

The only thing that I am worse at than space plane design is landing the damn things.  I have so many terrible memories of finally designing something that doesn't fly like a brick, only to find out that I haven't the skill to follow a glide slope that either doesn't go on for miles or straight into an explosion.  Anyone else have these problems?

Let me know and as always, fly safe-ish.

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