Monday, March 17, 2014

Update and the Kethane Plan

Over the weekend, I didn't get to play as much as I normally do.  We had a family birthday event, and then we drank ourselves silly.  I don't quite bounce back after a night of drinking like I used to.  I was able to do a few unmanned missions (which was a good thing they were unmanned) on Friday and yesterday.  I ended up losing two rockets due to not paying attention.  One crashed into Minmus and the other into the Mun.  Both avoidable.  I was able to gather the science from the Mun rocket before it impacted the surface by transmission, but the Minmus rocket was a surprise.  

I have also begun construction of a kethane surveyor.  I tried launching it last night, but some strange effect is causing my rocket to vibrate and them completely explode.  I believe I have traced the root back to the mod that makes the rockets structurally sound without the need for struts.  I am not quite convinced I want to keep using it.  It is a great idea though.  My intent now is to get docking ports so I can start building space stations and refueling depots.  I have the need for about 50 science points before I can get it.  Once I have that, I will start putting bases on the Mun to drill for kethane.  I have about three hours worth of video that I need to edit.  I don't have any plans for the weekend, so maybe I will start to put them together.  I did add a few more mods in yesterday.  They seem to be working as intended.  I will get an updated mod list at some point in the near future.  

Stay tuned for more and as always, fly safe-ish

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