Monday, March 17, 2014

Doing Things the Hard Way

Tylo, a moon of Jool
Since I have been playing KSP, I have done some pretty cool things.  Sometimes by hand the whole way.  Sometimes using a mod like Kerbal Protractor or MechJeb.  Even with MJ, you still have to do some piloting.  

Anyway, I was thinking about all the places I have landed (both with a Keral crew and a lander or rover).  I am narrowing it down to KSP with mods like TAC life support and Remote Tech. The farthest I have traveled with a Kerbal and returned was Minmus.  Yes, I have been to Duna and Eve with Kerbals and returned from Duna (not Eve), but that wasn't with life support or deadly re-entry.  I've flown a probe and landed on Eve.  I have also landed on Ike and flown by Jool (and crashed into it) as well as a probe flyby of Tylo and Laythe.  

Jool, a gas jiant in the Kerbol system
Each of those missions were exciting and I would like to do them again really soon in my new career.  I still have to install Remote Tech and then get my satellite network up.  Fun things for me.  I am getting excited writing about them. 

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