Friday, March 14, 2014

Mods I Use for my Career Mode

I started me new career mode last night.  After sorting out some mods and a few reinstalls, I have the core mods I want to use installed.

I am using (click for forum post link).  I will probably add a few more to this list a little later.  I added a bunch all at once and I was having major stability issues and I was crashing back to the desktop.  I narrowed down the list of offending mods, so it is just a matter of adding them back in one at a time.  
What I plan to do over the next few weeks is set up a Station around Kebin, the Mun and Minmus.  I have about 9 missions completed so far with the farthest /longest mission to date is to the Mun.  Once I start posting video's for the early missions I will link them. 

Until we meet again, fly safe-ish..

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